Optimized solutions for intermodal transport in Europe

IMS was founded in 1992 in Vienna, in October 1993 the business incorporated.
At the beginning restricted to the distribution of general cargo, the first containers were moved in 1994.
Due to the big success in the operation area, this activities planned originally as additional service, became quickly our core business.
1995 the distribution of general cargo and the moving service got abandoned and the container traffics further established.
Since 1996 IMS is operating trains at our own risk. In cooperation with Ökombi the traffics to the east of Austria, which were run via the “east-route” formerly were changed into the western route.
By this measurement the time in transit from Hamburg was decreased from 5 to 3 days.
1998 the first block train between the German seaports and Wolfurt was launched by IMS, with enormous success!
1999 further block train services got established, including the connection between the German seaports and Wels.

As the first operator IMS was using the possibility of the liberated rail traffic within Europe and 2004 the first shuttle set from Vienna to Hamburg and Bremerhaven was taken into operation with private EVU traction.
In this context a customs office was established at the terminal Vienna, which is caring for the clearing of our trains from and to Vienna and Enns.
We see ourselves from the beginning as a quality service provider and neutral partner for shippers and ship owners. Therefore at all times we analyze and optimize our processes.
For IMS IT plays an important and central role. Since 1998, we offer to our customers a trace and tracking system for your containers, which is getting continuously optimized.
To meet the increasing demand in the sector on-carriage we decided 2006 to purchase the first own truck along with 45' Multi-slider chassis.
2007 we agreed, because of the ascending train circulars, to found a branch in Hamburg which is responsible for the customs clearance of our trains.
In 2011 we bought the Business Unit West from Intercontainer-Interfrigo and expanded our scope to Switzerland.
We currently offer 40 departures per week from Austria to the German seaports and many other European connections, which we provide in cooperation with selected partners.
You can view more milestones here.